Slei gill after the flood (we might not get all these stones picked!) Photo Credit – Richmondshire Today.
Just a quick push to the trials world and anyone interested in helping out at on Saturday. We are gathering together a working group to try to help the landowners clear some of their land of stones and debris. They allow us to run some of the most iconic trials in the area including the Scott Trial, Reeth 3 Day, and Mintex Youth trial and we really want the trialing community to give something back to them – they have said that man power is as important, if not more so than money.
We are holding a work day this Saturday – 17th August at 9.30am – meet at the Woodyard, Reeth (where the 3 day started this year).
Food and refreshments will be provide, please just bring man and woman power (children very welcome too!), wellies and gloves for picking stones.
We would love to see as many people there as possible to show our support to the local area. If you get chance to look at the event on facebook and let us know you are coming (to help with the catering) then that would be great.